Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The woman in the red dress.

The woman in the red dress., originally uploaded by alex pio.

I love this photo - although it is best viewed large I reckon.


Garry Nixon said...

I've not seen that one before.

Could you tell me how to do cutouts in PS? It must be quite easy, considering some of the numpties who manage it!

Curly said...

You have some very interesting and vibrant pictures here, are they all your own work?

Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

Sam said...

Curly: No, none of them are...

Garry: There are so many different ways... I'll try and find a web tutorial for you.

Garry Nixon said...

Sam: I'd be jolly greatful!

Garry Nixon said...


Ahem: "grateful"