A really interesting photo - part way through the construction of a Cello by the looks of it. Just nice.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Famous photographers given the 'Flickr' treatment

The Online Photographer: Great Photographers on the Internet
warm cellophane
'a Canticle' has my undying admiration for her work, and her persistance in the face of continued 'delete's in submitting her pictures to the delete me groups.
I have to say that none of them are what I would call stunning photographs, they are more very interesting works of art created from mutliple photographs (somehow, not entirely sure how she manages it).
So here's a resurrection in the name of persistence, purity of your art, seeking your vision and loads of other wanky ways of saying that no-one gets the crap you produce :)
Monday, June 26, 2006
_MG_3569Josie Smiith - New York
Do you seek perfection in your photos? Do you only like photos that you consider to be perfect? What is your criteria for a 'good photo'?
Sometimes I like a photo on a simply emotional level - even if the photo has imperfections. Sometime I maybe don't see the imperfections that others see, or they don't detract from a photo.
This, and many other things is after all the purpose for this blog.
This photo fascinates me. I love the light and the expression - something is going on behind those eyes but she's not letting on what she's thinking.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mid Day, Mid Life
perhaps not the most perfect image, but check out the 4 pictures in the theme of doorways/life stages. Very interesting work.